Este blog pertenece a una discípula de Jesús y de María, pertenezco a Su única Iglesia y soy una santa-pecadora como cualquiera.
Soy miembro de la "Orden María del rosario de San Niclás" una asociación laica privada. Nosotros somos un grupo de jóvenes que vivimos en San Nicolás desde el año 2006 en comunidad, poniendo todo lo que somos y tenemos en común, desde el año 2004 recibimos mensajes de Jesús y de María para la Argentina donde nos dicen que esta es una tierra elegida para salvar al mundo, que aquí esta Jesús en Sus apóstoles, comenzando por Pedro, su Papa, y sus discípulas y discípulos. Anunciamos la segunda venida de Jesús, en un pequeño bebé llamado Joaquín, cuyos padres son Pedro II y Liliana María su esposa, porque Dios así lo quiso.
Yo soy una de estas discípulas de este pequeño rebaño, somos y soy centinela, avisamos para quien quiere ver que vea y quien quiera oír que oiga. Nuestra misión es esa AVISAR. Cada uno/a sabrá si cree o no, eso es fe personal de cada uno/a.
En base a esto y mucho más es que escribo estos artículos que salen de mi corazón esperanzado en un nuevo amanecer para todos y cada uno, que así sea!!

Vistas de página la semana pasada

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013


St. Nicholas of Mary, Seat of Government Papal - The Saint and New Argentina - January 14, 2013

To Michelle Obama:
With this letter I want to raise your warrior spirit, feisty woman, because what we need is to unite the entire continent from the south and I am writing to tell you let of American unity a reality, because it is convenient for you in the same way it is convenient for us. And because do not want and we will not rely over British interests in decline who want from old times to divide and dominate us.
We do not want to be colonized, we want to be a power, together with all the America to achieve independence that will give us the freedom to find and reach in  this continent,  the goal for which it was intended, the continent of hope, a melting pot where God put His predilection; beacon to the world.
We do not want to be colonized, we want to be a power, together with all the America to achieve independence that will give us the freedom to find and reach in  this continent,  the goal for which it was intended, the continent of hope, a melting pot where God put His predilection; beacon to the world.
I know that in the place of wife and supporter of U.S. president you have the power to propel him to see the reality, the only truth, to persuade him to do what is really new and is the hopeful for Americans and for the Argentines; that is the union of the Americas, helping us to be worthy Americans.
I want you to understand me in your heart and do want the best for your country as I do, just like I want for mine.
We know of your work as vital help woman for Barak, which is why I turn to you for you to know and see what is convenient for you and for us...
There is no greater satisfaction than seeing our country grow in unity and greatness. That is what I'm inviting you, to the glory. Not only materialistic and worldly progress but means the triumph of our heart strength of American and warriors Mary women.
Martha Eva, Unique Women Movement

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